Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Heres how to get that job, even if youre underqualified.
Heres how to get that job, even if youre underqualified. Typical job search wisdom says you shouldn’t send off resumes to jobs you know you just don’t have the qualifications to land. But there are some circumstances, especially in tech, where a job might be just beyond your reach, but still attainable if you know how to work what you have to its full potential. Here are a few strategies to help you craft a job-seeking persona that will help you shoot beyond your experience level. After all, if you’re trying to break into a new field, how is it possible for you to have 3-5 years experience anyway? Try these tips instead of writing off your ideal job as a lost cause.Showcase the skills you do have.You might not tick every box they seek, but it’s possible that you tick some boxes with more gusto than anybody else applying. Play up what you do have, and then take the focus away from their list and make your own list- you might have skills they didn’t realize they needed for their open position. Make a case t hat your unique combination of skills is actually even better suited for the job, and then go on to explain how and why.Focus on your potential.Even if you don’t have a specific knowledge base or set of skills, show you have the desire and potential to learn whatever you’ll need to know. Play up your motivation and drive. Emphasize the speed of your learning curve, and explain how quickly you acquired expertise in something previously. Don’t just tell them you’ll hit the ground running and pick up what you don’t have on the fly. Show them how you’ve done this throughout your career.Fill in your gaps.Use your cover letter to provide context for whatever skills and experience you lack, and as a way of smoothing over the holes they might see in your resume. Make an upbeat, short-but-sweet case for why they ought to give your resume, despite its holes, a second look. Be honest. You’re not a perfect candidate, but you might just be the per fect person for the job.Hold the recruiter’s hand.Don’t just slap down the bare facts of your skills and experience and hope whoever reads your resume is trained to read between the lines and construct your ideal candidacy for you. Connect the dots for them. Synthesize everything into one big picture for them. Make it clear- in your cover letter, on your resume, and in the interview.Stay positive.In your honesty, stay away from negative language like â€Å"I don’t know†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I’m not qualified to†¦Ã¢â‚¬ or â€Å"I’ve never done†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Frame things with a bit more optimism, like: â€Å"I’m eager to explore†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I’d love to work on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ etc. Be aware of what you don’t know and don’t have going for you right now, but also make it clear that you are conscious of what you lack and are eager to do what needs to be done to get up to speed.When in doubt, ask.If you’r e on the fence and not sure whether to throw your application into the pile, send a quick email off to the recruiter asking them to clarify what they mean by â€Å"proficiency in _____.†It will save both parties time and energy in the end.Give them what they don’t even realize they want.If you want it badly enough and have the drive and guts to go for it, you’re halfway there. Concentrate on showing your passion and tenacity. The rest, unless you’re way off the requirements mark, can usually be learned on the job with enough work behind the scenes. Show the proper level of excitement, demonstrate how close you are to being their ideal, and let them see just how hard you’ll work to get up to speed.
Friday, November 22, 2019
WAGNER Surname Meaning and Family History
WAGNER Surname Meaning and Family History From the Germanic Waganari, meaning wagon-maker or wagon driver, the common occupational surname Wagner was often given to one who transported produce or other goods via high-sided wagons or carts. Among some German populations, especially the Pennsylvania Germans, Wagner also denoted a wagon-maker, wainwright, or cartwright. Wagner is the 7th most common German surname and 4th most common surname in Austria. Surname Origin: German, English Alternate Surname Spellings: WAGGONER, WAGONER, WAGENER, WAEGENER, WAGNOR, WAGNER, WAGONNER, WEGENER, WEGNER, VAGNER, VEGENER, VEGNER Famous People with the WAGNER Surname Richard Wagner - 19th-century German conductor and composerJack Wagner - American actor and musicianRobert Wagner - American actorAdolph Wagner - German economistArthur Wagner - Church of England clergyman in Brighton, East SussexGeorge D. Wagner - Indiana politician and Civil War Union generalJohann Andreas Wagner - German palaeontologist and zoologist Where is the WAGNER Surname Most Common? According to surname distribution from Forebears, WAGNER is the 4th most common surname in both Germany and Austria. It is also fairly common in Luxembourg (5th), Switzerland (55th), the United States (142nd), Denmark (178th) and Slovakia (363rd). WorldNames PublicProfiler indicates that the Wagner surname is especially common in Saarland, Germany, as well as in both Hungary and Gussing, Austria. It is also prevalent in the German states of Rheinland-Pfalz, Thà ¼ringen, Hessen and Bayern. Genealogy Resources for the Surname WAGNER Meanings of Common German SurnamesUncover the meaning of your German last name with this free guide to the meanings and origins of common German surnames. Wagner Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Wagner family crest or coat of arms for the Wagner surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. Wagner Y-Chromosome DNA Surname ProjectIndividuals with the Wagner surname are invited to participate in this group DNA project in an attempt to learn more about Wagner family origins. The website includes information on the project, the research done to date, and instructions on how to participate. History and Genealogy of the Wagner-Waggoner-Wagoner FamilyOnline digital version (free) of a 1941 book on the descendants of John Waggoner, born in 1758 in Wasselonne, Alsace, France, who later immigrated to Maryland. WAGNER Family Genealogy ForumThis free message board is focused on descendants of Wagner ancestors around the world. FamilySearch - WAGNER GenealogyExplore over 3.7 million results from digitized historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Wagner surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. WAGNER Surname Mailing ListFree mailing list for researchers of the Wagner surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past messages. DistantCousin.com - WAGNER Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Wagner. GeneaNet - Wagner RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Wagner surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Wagner Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Wagner surname from the website of Genealogy Today.- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back to Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins
Thursday, November 21, 2019
LEGAL AND FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
LEGAL AND FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT - Assignment Example This is the proportion of work done at the end of that period. UITF 40 method increases profits and tax. A single charge for service providers results in high financial difficulties and may lead to closure of the business. This affects service providers where a large amount of revenue is earned by owners and not employees. In case the contract is short-term, revenue is earned after selling or after working. Sometimes it may take place after delivery of the goods and their acceptance by the customers. Identification of UITF Abstract 40 has the highest benefits to proprietors who have contributed the highest value of the contract. Prior year adjustment accounts require a review of WIP for the earlier years which includes opening and closing balances, goodwill in the balance sheet that has been written off or amortised for any contracts that are in progress. All previous year’s figures are restated. All unaudited company accounts are added. While calculating incomes, ACCA advises that owners should deduct any incomplete work that is not billed in debtors-accrued income. Deduct all unclear balances of any contract; write off all insignificant amounts or any balances. Time records, diaries assess recovery records. The value of debtors is calculated as unbilled contracts. This contract contains all conditions agreed upon. They may include payment, working hours, overtime work and pay and resignation notices. Grace and Taylor require a written employment contract since they are many and work in various departments. According to Crmraeg (2014), employment contract contains employees’ employment conditions, their rights, responsibilities, and duties. Contracts are effective from the beginning of the work offer. The commencement of work indicates that the worker has agreed to the terms of the contract with the employer. Contracts will benefit this company since it contains details of payments, holidays,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Why Animal Experimentation Should be Banned Essay
Why Animal Experimentation Should be Banned - Essay Example This essay stresses that animal experimentation is an integral part of medical science. However, it seems to be that this is in part due to it being a scientific institution rather than something which is of great benefit. Medical research has relied on animals and animal models for such a long time that some scientists, perhaps, are unable to see the benefits of alternative means of experimentation. Animal models have been used for decades, and they are familiar, and even if they are not specifically accurate when it comes to modeling human disease, they are at least predictable and well-characterized. may be that many of the new techniques that have the potential to replace animal experimentation are simply not-well known enough to be considered acceptable replacements for animal models that are considered more reliable. This paper makes a conclusion that it is truly impossible to see how using animals in medical experiments can be considered ethical. When the results are so often misleading, sometimes to the point where harm is caused to humans, how can we possibly justify the suffering and slaughter of millions of animals worldwide every year? The simple answer is that we can’t. Animal testing is not effective or reliable enough, it is morally and ethically wrong, and there are increasing numbers of safe, accurate, and reliable alternatives to this practice. Animal experimentation must and should stop.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Library system Essay Example for Free
Library system Essay Introduction The world of Information Technology transformed and made the life of human beings easier through the innovation of different machines and software applications. Faster and reliable sources have been offered by search engines which are all over the web. But even though this is the case, many schools and universities are still requiring their students to use library materials in their researches and school works. From the statement of purpose, the compute’rized library system: meeting information needs of the people of Saint Michael College of Caraga, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte. Our proposed system, the Saint Michael College of Caraga Library Management System, is a system wherein there is no need of manual library transactions. This will carry out different processes such as searching books, keep records of the books, borrowing of books and return of books. Hence, at present, Saint Michael College of Caraga is maintaining the School Library in a manual basis. Handling bulky records in a manual method is very difficult. And the process of updating could not be done easily and accurately. Likewise, a manual procedure of handling bulky record is very slow and is prone to manual errors. Consequently, it is proposed that Saint Michael College of Caraga shall maintain an electronic data base management system (DBMS) for the purpose of maintaining the records of the School Library for easy, fast and accurate processing and maintenance of these records that will enhance management decisions and for the improvement of its services to all the stakeholders of Saint Michael College of Caraga. Library is regarded as the brain of any institute; many institutes understand the importance of the library to the growth of the institute and their esteem users (students). Library Management System of Saint Michael College of Caraga supports the general requirement of the library like acquisition, cataloguing, circulation that offers many flexible and convenient features, allowing librarians and library users to maximize time and efficiency. Library System gives the all detailed information about students, staff and books. It will track on the how many books available in library and books issued to the students. It shows popular book among the students. It will provide book lost in library. It keeps the record of the suppliers and book binders. It generates MIS reports for management. Our software is customizable for any library requirement. In this chapter we take opportunity to consider changes in the library services, not in terms of minor, short term change in equilibrium of the sort just noted above, but in longer term. There has been continuing concern about the future of the libraries. Given the extent to which the provision used and the libraries are influenced by the social environment, and given possibilities by the use of new information technology; it would be unreasonable to expect libraries to remain static. But if not, what would be the nature of the change? The issue is not whether there is a change but what will be the change. If we are to make a claim to understand the nature of library services, the surely we ought to have notions, some forecasts, about how library system might change. Purpose and Description In setting up a library, one aspect that should be considered, what are the resources the library has and what are the ways to provide a better service to the students? Well, one of the easiest ways is having a system to organize all the transactions in the library. A library system is software that will handle basic and systematic organization of function in the library. The system would provide basic set of features to add/update student’s information, add/update books information, search for books and manage check-in/check-out processes. In this application we can maintain the records of students and books and enable to determine how many books are issued and likewise determine the available books in the library. The proposed library system will greatly improve the efficiency of the school library. This study has the following hypothesis: The profiles of the respondents taken are their names, Student ID Number, Year and Course, and Title and Author of the Book Borrowed. The manual system is very time consuming, inconvenient when it comes to recording, organizing and retrieving borrower’s record in the log book. There are few solutions but many a times, we making them works by finding ways to work around system inadequacies. Moreover we have limited staff resources, these work around waste time, effort, and skills that should be spent on user services. solutions do not keep up with the technological changes and hence prove to be time wasters. Library Management system is a small footprint software suitable for personal /individual Libraries. You can store the information about the books and other material and control the movement of the same. Silent Features †¢ Control the movement of books and other material and avoid losing the same. †¢ Search if you have a specific book in your collection based on t he title, author etc. †¢ Print the spine labels for the book. †¢ Find what a specific person has borrowed from you. Objectives The main objective of the application is to automate the existing system of manually maintain the records of the Book Issue, Book Return from the student, Stock Maintenance, and Book Search to be computerized. And to develop a database which stores user details and book details, give reliable search facility for the user, create an easy to understand user friendly environment. So the Book Issue, Return, Searching will be faster. This application can be used by any Library to automate the process of manually maintaining the records related to the subject of maintaining the stock and Book Issues. The general objective of this study is to design and develop a library system that will serve as a proposal to help librarians save time with the automation of its daily operation. Specific Objectives: †¢To computerize records keeping of books; †¢To allow librarians to retrieve complete information of the book and its borrowers. †¢To check the availability of the books and penalties. †¢To search, issue and return of books. †¢It can only be utilized by the librarian Scope and Limitation The study only focuses on the Information Technology Library Management System of Saint Michael College of Caraga. Without computers, as some libraries are, all of them are dependent on paper work. When compared to computerized systems, data backup and data retrieval systems are inefficient and labor intensive. Users of a paper based system become almost wholly reliant on the librarians, for all levels of service, whether they are enquiries about existing books, inter-library loans, or the availability of books. There is additionally no real involvement of a user in the entire process. The transactions that the system accommodates are the attendance of every student that enter the library, book registration and deletion, updating book information and searching thesis references, Borrowing of books, and keeping the record of transaction. Review of Related Literature This chapter contains the relevant outline of literatures related to the study of Library system. This study composed of programming languages, Database and Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is used in the system. This system would be used by members who may be students or professors of that University to check the availability of the books and borrow the books using automated device, and by the librarian to update the databases. Thepurposeofthisdocumentistoanalyzeandelaborateonthehigh-levelneedsand features of the Library Management System. It focuses on the capabilities and facilities provided by a Library. The details of what all are the needs of the Library Management System and if it fulfils these needs are detailed in the use-case and supplementary specifications. Automated book monitoring system helps to reduce the effect of entering the wrong quantity and the amount of staff time devoted to repetitive activities. Related Studies According to ACRL (1994) suggested that institution should be prepared to utilized new technologies for accessing information as they are developed. This is why operating the library operations is quite a welcome idea. According to Jeff Kaplan (05/08/2007 A new generation of automated network management software and services is helping in-house staff address this challenge. These let network professionals establish regular patch-management procedures to safeguard against escalating security threats; and create system monitoring routines to identify load imbalances, which could cause service disruptions or performance problems. They also discover, inventory and track assets to make sure that hardware and software licenses are up-to-date and that problems can be resolved faster. According to Voustin Sweere (Aug. 2001) Nowadays every book keeping system used in practice is automated. Most book keeping software an integrated information system are based on database. In this paper, we develop a conceptual book keeping model which is not based on manual techniques, but which is applicable in database environment. Technical Background In this chapter, it provides an overview of all the overall system design, features and functionalities. The system is design to implement a computerize library management system in Saint Michael College of Caraga. This system consists of one user, the administrator. The administrator can access the system by having first the login security which they have to input his/her user name and password. Once the inputted username and password did not match, the required/registered information it displays â€Å"Invalid Username and Password†. If the username and password match the registered information, the next form will display depending on the role of the administrator.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Music Industry and Teen Violence :: Music Media Youth Violence
The Music Industry and Teen Violence Should we blame the industry or shouldn’t we? This compare and contrast essay, the two sides of these two article is that one states the music industry is at fault for the way today’s teens are acting written by a writer from the Arizona Daily Star, by the name of Jim Patten and the other article states that the music industry isn’t at fault for the way today’s youth is acting and this article was written by a 17yr. old student named Daniel Marcha. Both of these articles have a good argument, Patten’s is good because he’s a pro at getting his point across in his writing, plus his support is also good, he’s not just saying that the media is at fault completely but that they should take some blame for what is going on in society with our teens. The Marcha argument is coming straight from the mind of a teenager which is letting us know how some teens are thinking about the subject of society putting blame on what they watch and listen t o for their actions. Daniel Marcha, â€Å"Teens enjoy these media offerings because they provide an outlet to relieve stress that occurs during daily life.†He’s saying that instead of us taking the media, as an example of we (teens) should act we are using the media, as way for us to get escape our aggression. So teenagers in today’s society are taking in the bad media and putting it to good use. Is it right for the government to look at the actions of some kids who decided to shoot up their school or a kid kills himself while listening to his favorite song and say that the music and tv we watch needs to be censored? No we all are responsible for our own actions. Now on the other hand we have Jim Patten a man in the media is saying that the media isn’t completely at fault but that it should take some responsibility for the actions of teens. Patten fires saying that there is too much violence being put out on the media and that isn’t necessarily making our teens act the way they do but it is affecting them. All Patten is saying is that we should really clean it up and accept some of the responsibility.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Crippen case Essay
1. Why was the Crippen case important? †¢ It was one of the first forensic cases. 2. What was Crippen accused of? Why was he accused of this crime? †¢ Crippen was accused of killing his wife. He was accused of this crime because his wife suddenly disappeared, and his secretary moved in with him. 3. Why do you think people were so interested in Crippen’s case? †¢ I think people were so interested in the Crippen case because it was one of the first forensic cases and there was a lot of doubt. The case was reopened 100 years later to further investigate if he was actually guilty or not. 4. Why was forensic science important in Crippen’s trial? How was it used in the trial? †¢ Forensic science is important in the Crippen trial to help identify the victim and the evidence found. 5. What do modern forensic scientists find when they examine samples of the remains? †¢ The found out that it was a male when they examined the remains. 6. What other evidence linked Crippen to the remains in the cellar? †¢ There were bloodstains on a shirt, and they found the pair of pants in his room. 7. What other inconsistencies were found in the case when the evidence was re-examined? Why do you think these inconsistencies were ignored at the time of the Crippen trial? †¢ An inconsistency found in this case was the fact that after the victim was poisoned why were they cut up if it was supposed to look like a natural death. I think these inconsistences were ignored at the time because they weren’t as advanced with cases like that back in the day. 8. Do you think Crippen killed his wife? Why or why not? †¢ No I do not think Crippen killed his wife. There are a lot of inconsistencies involved in this case and there is no proof found that he killed her.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Child family relationships in Praise Essay
The connection between family members is bond as strong as Titanium and flexible as elastic, in fact many different poets represent their thoughts and emotions through their poems. Here, we are bestowed with two poems that are an accolade to the parents of two poets, by Grace Nichols, and Stephen Spender, with their poems â€Å"Praise song for my mother†and â€Å"Childhood†. The two poems contain a heavily nostalgic tone throughout the poems, through the use of this I have established that the poet’s are attempting to communicate their memories through the poem’s. Spender, though he titled the Poem ‘My Parents’ has little obvious relation to the poem at face value other than the starting sentence of the first stanza †My parents kept me from children who were rough†where he almost has connotations of blaming them for separation from what they thought were ‘lesser’ citizens, he tends to refer to the childhood he lived as a young boy who was bullied on his way to and from school. However when one delves deeper into the poem and attempts to read between the lines the reader can pick up a tone of blame, a tone of resentment and a tinge of sorrow! It would seem as though Spender, through his writing, is revealing his resentment towards his parents for isolating him from his peers, sheltering him from the real world and being overprotective! Maybe even snobbish as the poem also hints at the child being of a higher ‘class’ than the â€Å"rough children†. However in the poem Childhood the poet is not referring to his parents, but an Aunt of his own; it seems that Cornford is trying to portray the ignorance of his youth when he says in the opening line of the first stanza â€Å"I used to think that grown-up people†as â€Å"grown-up†is not a term used by one who is of middle age or in their teenage years. The poet doesn’t seem to have that close a relationship with his â€Å"great-aunt Etty†by the way he described the elderly throughout the poem prior â€Å"veins like small fat snakes†. The poem also shows how the boy matures in time, by the end of the poem the reader can recognise that the poet now fully understands the process of age with the quote †I knew that she was helplessly old. As I was helplessly young.†My Parents, once you dig deep shows both how the parenting of middle class children could often lead to bullying as they planted the insinuation that the lower class children where not respectable or real people in a sense of dignity. The poet shows this through animal imagery â€Å"ran in the street†, â€Å"feared more than tigers†, â€Å"they sprang out†and finally â€Å"Like dogs to bark at my world†. It also shows that the author deep in his heart admired these boys for their carelessness and meshing with the world around them rather than himself who avoids such things, this is shown by the quote †I longed to forgive them†(which could also relate to his parents) â€Å"but they never smiled:. Childhood is a lot more basic in it’s message, that being that the ignorance of youth often leads to their life being wasted on trivial things; what is quite surprising is how the author has used the flow of the poem to demonstrate the movement of time itself, by the time he has reached the end of the poem he had realised the facts of life, in that way he had matured from the childish ignorance that was portrayed in the initial stages of the poem. To state the obvious both poems have fewer similarities compared to other such poems, however both do relate to family and the young author or character attempting to get a grasp on the situation at hand whether it be why his parents are turning him into an apparent introvert to those at school which leads to bullying of him or the mystery of old age to a young child.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Same Sex Parents
Same Sex Parents Free Online Research Papers How do you raise your children? I will never put my child into jeopardy, trouble, or possibly ruin my child’s future. When a child is raised outside of a traditional mother-father family, this is what happens. Dr. James Dobson (founder of Focus on the Family) states, The traditional family, supported by more than 5,000 years of human experience, is still the foundation on which the well-being of future generations depends. With this in mind, do not think that the parents of said child will not be good parents, but just know that love alone does not guarantee a healthy and happy child. Many pediatricians, such as Dobson, agree that a child that has been raised in a homosexual or single parent home will have a much tougher childhood than a child that has been raised in a traditional family (mother-father) home. Gay parents also present several other risks to children. First of all, most insurance companies will not cover partners or their children. These companies do not recognize partners as spouses. Therefore, the child of the partner, and the partner, would not be allowed to be added to an insurance policy. Another reason is that one might be confused as to who holds the legal rights over the child because of the 50 states and Washington DC, only six recognize gay marriage. This means that if the child gets into legal trouble, the court system would not know who is legally responsible. I am not just pointing out the faults of gay parents, but also the faults of single parents. As stated by researcher Sarah McLanahan, â€Å"Children in one-parent families also have lower grade point averages, lower college aspirations, and poorer attendance records.†This happens when the child only has one role model. This role model may be living off of the welfare system, or off of child support. What does that teach our children? So the next time you see a single mother, father, or even a gay couple, think to yourself, â€Å"How are their kids going to turn out?†Remind yourself of the significantly higher dropout, crime, and failure rates of children raised in these families. Think of how things could’ve been different in this child’s life. Research Papers on Same Sex ParentsPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationStandardized TestingHip-Hop is ArtThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married Males19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraGenetic Engineering
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Tell a Male From a Female Shark
How to Tell a Male From a Female Shark Ever wondered how to tell the sex of a shark? Distinguishing the sex of a shark is easier than in most marine species. Its all in the sharks external anatomy. Male sharks have modified pelvic fins called claspers. Females do not have these claspers. As male sharks age, the calcium is deposited in the claspers, so that older males have harder claspers. In addition to the absence of claspers, females tend to be larger than males, although those differences may not always be obvious, especially in the wild. Where Claspers Are Located These claspers are located on the sharks underside, within the sharks two pelvic fins. They look kind of like long fingers that extend underneath the sharks belly. Shark Reproduction in Brief The claspers are used for reproduction. Sharks breed via sexual reproduction with internal fertilization. This involves the sharks usually positioning themselves belly to belly, a process that can involve a lot of biting. The claspers have grooves which are used to transfer sperm from the male shark to the females cloaca. The sperm is moved through the grooves using seawater. The sperm fertilizes the females eggs, and voila!- a shark embryo is created. From there, development and birth vary by species. In some species, such as bamboo sharks, the female lays eggs outside of her body (oviparous). About 40% of the 400 shark species lay eggs. In ovoviviparous sharks, such as whale sharks, basking sharks, and thresher sharks, the eggs develop inside the females body, but the young are born live. Placental viviparous sharks give birth in a way similar to mammals- the young shark is nourished inside the female by a yolk-sac placenta, before being born live. Bull sharks, lemon sharks, and hammerhead sharks are examples of species that employ this strategy.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Values and Ethos of Learning Communities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Values and Ethos of Learning Communities - Essay Example The role of leaders is to create learning community culture in which understandings achieved during the course of practice, nurtured and not forgotten. Educational leadership should encourage students and inspire their interest to learning and self-improvement. Different leadership strategies mentioned above should not be used in isolation. The role of educational leadership is to maintain the community and support the core purpose of increasing the ability of all students and preparing students for the future. Leaders must remember that their words and stance on issues impact others in both large and small ways (Sergiovanni 2000). The main educational leadership strategies include blending leadership strategy, institutional leaders, instructional leadership and transformational leadership, facilitative leadership, visionary, ethical and direct leadership (Educational Leadership& Management, n.d.). Direct leadership is what leaders do when they work directly to enhance teacher learning. Substitutes for leadership are the structures, pathways, and norms leaders build that allow, encourage, and enhance teacher learning. In K-12 public education, the choice of leadership strategy depends upon the extent to which it matches the nature of the task, the complexity of the community setting, and the standards of quality expected. Many learning communities choose instructional and transformational leadership which help educators to meet changing learning environment and community's policies. Where task complexity is simple, direct supervision involving telling students what to do, watching them do it, and making correc tions as needed might be an appropriate choice. But as complexity increases, strategies closer to mutual adjustment make more sense. These learning communities rely on purposing and shared values, standardizing knowledge and skills, and mutual adjustment as control strategies if they want to be successful (Educational Leadership, n.d.). Facilitative, visionary and ethical leadership allows educators to form and correct basic moral values and preferences of diverse student audience. Using these strategies, educators become more sophisticated in their ability to develop capacity for teaching and leading in schools creating effective learning communities based on trust and respect. The task of facilitative leadership is to encourage the involvement of students at all educational levels. Visionary leadership is aimed to create a certain vision of culture and values shared by a particular community. This is one of the most important strategies which help educators to prepare students for various roles in their respective communities. Critics argue that ethical leadership "should have and be willing to act on a definite sense of ethical standards" (Educational Leadership& Management, n.d.). K-12 community leaders should create an effective environment and control that students are well served, and that teachers are suppor ted in their efforts in behalf of students. A leader's role is to engage teachers in determining and articulating a vision of excellence for all students. Communication in K-12 public education should include conversation about school issues and the needs of children with meetings to analyze data and plan
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