Saturday, May 23, 2020
My Nursing Philosophy A Basis Of Understanding For...
My Nursing Philosophy Developing a basis of understanding for professional nursing is where you start to achieve the best practices and outcomes†(Alligood, 2014, p. 56). In order to develop a personal nursing philosophy there are a few basic ideas to consider. One must examine their own personal values and beliefs about nursing and all that it encompasses. Throughout this paper the focus will be to discuss a personal nursing philosophy, which is believed to be the core characteristics of any nursing practice. The discussion will include the definition of nursing, person, health, and environment with an effort to show how each affect the patient’s outcome. There are several well noted theorists with differing ideas about nursing and its practice. Through study, Florence Nightingale most closely aligns with this nurse’s personal philosophy. The first step in developing a nursing philosophy would be to define nursing. According to the American Nurses Association , â€Å"nursing is the protection, promotion, and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations†(American Nurses Association, 2014). It has always been very hard to completely define nursing. The goal of nursing is â€Å"to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him†(Nightingale, 1946). Most nurses share some core values and beliefs but eachShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing1676 Words  | 7 PagesFor the purpose of the paper, famous philosophies and a personal nursing philosophy is presented, including the personal definitions of the four phenomena of nursing namely person, environment, health, and nursing. The said philosophy will then be compared to other professionally-acclaimed philosophies. Included in the discussion is the importance of a nurse’s role in pro viding health care to persons, family, and the society and how it is able to address problems in the face of cultural and spiritualRead MorePhilosophy Has Influenced The Development Of Nursing1572 Words  | 7 PagesPhilosophy of Nursing Philosophy has influenced the development of nursing. Philosophy of Nursing promotes the application of nursing knowledge and helps develop nursing theory and knowledge. Nursing theories and philosophies of nursing influence each other. Nurses designed Philosophy of nursing to explain the beliefs, role, and interaction with patients. Philosophy is the application of one s knowledge to different situations that occurs when practicing as a nurse. It changes the identities, beliefRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing1500 Words  | 6 PagesNursing philosophies is derived from both individual and professional organizational aspects, which can greatly influence one’s personal perceptions of the profession, nursing. Every nurse should have a philosophy or a set of beliefs upon which to base nursing action. It is important to note that philosophies of nursing are dynamic in nature and may change throughout time. Having a written philosophy is not only considered as an academ ic exercise but also a requirement of professional accreditingRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Innovation1290 Words  | 6 PagesNursing Innovation and Leadership: A Personal Philosophy To embrace the person that you are, in a time and place where everyone seems to be telling you that you should be everything but the person that you are, is a daunting but worthwhile challenge. I believe that it is in the acceptance of our true selves, imperfections and all, that we gain the ability to view others through a lens colored with compassion and acceptance. It is then that we can become a leader who is self-aware and emotionallyRead MoreIndividual Analysis1449 Words  | 6 Pages(RN) in her daily nursing practice. These factors include state laws, professional requirements and responsibilities, and personal belief systems and values. All factors work together to provide competent, safe, and quality care for society as a whole. It is vital that the RN possess both awareness and understanding of the important role these factors play in his or her daily practice. The Scope of Nursing Practice The American Nurses Association (ANA) defines the Scope of Nursing Practice as, â€Å"theRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing1304 Words  | 6 PagesMy Personal Nursing Philosophy A nursing philosophy is concepts or values that a nurse embraces within his/her practice and allows these concepts and values to shape the way he/she practices nursing and drives the purpose of their nursing care. It is important for each nurse to develop his/her philosophy of nursing to be a purpose driven nurse. Each nurse will have his/her own nurse philosophy because each believes differently. Nursing philosophies might come from different understandings butRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing1260 Words  | 6 Pages Philosophy of Nursing As a professional nurse, my personal philosophy of nursing is based on the core belief that all individuals possess unique characteristics and needs. Each person is the product of their own personal growth through learning and experience, resulting in individual and unique cultural, spiritual and developmental dimensions. Nursing is a dynamic, helping, healing and caring process. It employs the unique application of knowledge andRead MorePersonal Philosophy : Philosophy And Philosophy1318 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal Philosophy Paper Introduction For the purpose of the paper, famous philosophies and a personal nursing philosophy is presented, including the personal definitions of the four phenomena of nursing namely person, environment, health, and nursing. The said philosophy will then be compared to other professionally-acclaimed philosophies. Included in the discussion is the importance of a nurse’s role in providing health care to persons, family, and the society and how it is able to address problemsRead MoreNursing Philosophy : My Personal Philosophy Of Nursing932 Words  | 4 PagesMy Philosophy of Nursing My personal philosophy of nursing began at an early age watching my mother volunteer for 25 years on the local rescue squad, following in the footsteps of her mother. I learned that helping others in a time of need should always be a priority. Respect and dignity should always be shown to people, no matter the who they are or where they are from. I have and will continue to show compassion for others while administering professional holistic care, guided by the AmericanRead MoreImportance of Theory1378 Words  | 6 PagesCostello Chamberlain College of Nursing NR501: Foundational Concepts and Applications March 2016 Importance of Theory Paper The nursing philosophy is a group of concepts that help provide a method for treating and caring for patients. Nursing theory also can be an instrument of effort that emphasizes scientific facts, it will also show the trends of views of the wellbeing -disease course of action and the practice of healing care. The different nursing theories that have been planned
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Kellogg-Briand Pact War Outlawed
In the realm of international peacekeeping agreements, the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 stands out for its stunningly simple, if unlikely solution: outlaw war. Key Takeaways Under the Kellogg-Briand Pact, the United States, France, Germany and other nations mutually agreed never again to declare or take part in war except in cases of self-defense.The Kellogg-Briand Pact was signed in Paris, France on August 27, 1928, and took effect on July 24, 1929.The Kellogg-Briand Pact was, in part, a reaction to the post-World War I peace movement in the United States and France.While several wars have been fought since its enactment, the Kellogg-Briand Pact is still in force today, forming a key part of the UN Charter. Sometimes called the Pact of Paris for the city in which it was signed, the Kellogg-Briand Pact was an agreement in which the signatory nations promised never again to declare or take part in war as a method of resolving â€Å"disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them.†The pact was to be enforced by the understanding that states failing to keep the promise â€Å"should be denied of the benefits furnished by this treaty.†The Kellogg-Briand Pact was initially signed by France, Germany, and the United States on August 27, 1928, and soon by several other nations. The pact officially went into effect on July 24, 1929. During the 1930s, elements of the pact formed the basis of isolationist policy in America. Today, other treaties, as well as the Charter of the United Nations, include similar renunciations of war. The pact is named after its primary authors, U.S. Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg and French foreign minister Aristide Briand. To a great extent, the creation of the Kellogg-Briand Pact was driven by popular post-World War I peace movements in the United States and France. The U.S. Peace Movement The horrors of World War I drove a majority of the American people and government officials to advocate for isolationist policies intended to make sure the nation would never again be drawn into foreign wars. Some of those policies focused on international disarmament, including the recommendations of a series of naval disarmament conferences held in Washington, D.C., during 1921. Others focused on U.S. cooperation with multinational peacekeeping coalitions like the League of Nations and the newly formed World Court, now recognized as the International Court of Justice, the principal judicial branch of the United Nations. American peace advocates Nicholas Murray Butler and James T. Shotwell started a movement dedicated to the total prohibition of war. Butler and Shotwell soon affiliated their movement with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, an organization dedicated to promoting peace through internationalism, established in 1910 by famed American industrialist Andrew Carnegie. The Roleof France Especially hard hit by World War I, France sought friendly international alliances to help bolster its defenses against continued threats from its next-door neighbor Germany. With the influence and help of American peace advocates Butler and Shotwell, French Minister of Foreign Affairs Aristide Briand proposed a formal agreement outlawing war between France and the United States only. While the American peace movement supported Briand’s idea, U.S. President Calvin Coolidge and many members of his Cabinet, including Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg, worried that such a limited bilateral agreement might obligate the United States to become involved should France ever be threatened or invaded. Instead, the Coolidge and Kellogg suggested that France and the United States encourage all nations to join them in a treaty outlawing war. Creating the Kellogg-Briand Pact With the wounds of World War I still healing in so many nations, the international community and the public in general readily accepted the idea of banning war. During negotiations held Paris, the participants agreed that only wars of aggression – not acts of self-defense – would be outlawed by the pact. With this critical agreement, many nations withdrew their initial objections to signing the pact. The final version of the pact contained two agreed upon clauses: All signatory nations agreed to outlaw war as an instrument of their national policy.All signatory nations agreed to settle their disputes only by peaceful means. Fifteen nations signed the pact on August 27, 1928. These initial signatories included France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Belgium, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Italy, and Japan. After 47 addition nations followed suit, most of the world’s established governments had signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact. In January 1929, the United States Senate approved President Coolidge’s ratification of the pact by a vote of 85-1, with only Wisconsin Republican John J. Blaine voting against. Before passage, the Senate added a measure specifying that the treaty did not limit the United States right to defend itself and did not obligate the United States to take any action against nations that violated it. The Mukden Incident Tests the Pact Whether because of the Kellogg-Briand Pact or not, peace reigned for four years. But in 1931, the Mukden Incident led Japan to invade and occupy Manchuria, then a northeastern province of China. The Mukden Incident began on September 18, 1931, when a lieutenant in the Kwangtung Army, a part of the Imperial Japanese Army, detonated a small charge of dynamite on a Japanese-owned railway near Mukden. While the explosion caused little if any damage, the Imperial Japanese Army falsely blamed it on Chinese dissidents and used it as justification for invading Manchuria. Although Japan had signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact, neither the United States nor the League of Nations took any action to enforce it. At the time, the United States was consumed by the Great Depression. Other nations of the League of Nations, facing their own economic problems, were reluctant to spend money on a war to preserve China’s independence. After Japan’s ruse of war was exposed in 1932, the country went into a period if isolationism, ending with its withdrawal from the League of Nations in 1933. Legacy of the Kellogg-Briand Pact Further violations of the pact by signatory nations would soon follow the 1931 Japanese invasion of Manchuria. Italy invaded Abyssinia in 1935 and the Spanish Civil War broke out in 1936. In 1939, the Soviet Union and Germany invaded Finland and Poland. Such incursions made it clear that the pact could not and would not be enforced. By failing to clearly define â€Å"self-defense,†the pact allowed too many ways to justify warfare. Perceived or implied threats were too often claimed as justification for invasion. While it was mentioned at the time, the pact failed to prevent World War II or any of the wars that have come since. Still in force today, the Kellogg-Briand Pact remains at the heart of the UN Charter and embodies the ideals of advocates for lasting world peace during the interwar period. In 1929, Frank Kellogg was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the pact. Sources and Further Reference  â€Å"Kellogg–Briand Pact 1928.†The Avalon Project. Yale University.â€Å"The Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1928.† Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations. Office of the Historian, United States Department of StateWalt, Stephen M. â€Å"Theres Still No Reason to Think the Kellogg-Briand Pact Accomplished Anything.†(September 29, 2017) Foreign Policy.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Haiti History Free Essays
Haiti has the distinction of being the first black independent republic, who only two centuries ago was the wealthiest country in the New World and represented more than a quarter of France’s economy. Yet today Haiti has been called â€Å"un pays tite-en-bas†where about 80% if Haitians live in absolute poverty, and almost 1/3 of the population is ill or underweight. A long history of political oppression, soil erosion, lack of knowledge and population density of 618 people per square mile has caused modern Haiti to become the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. We will write a custom essay sample on Haiti History or any similar topic only for you Order Now After almost 200 years of rule by a series of despotic emperors, eccentric kings, cruel dictators, powerless presidents and tyrannical generals Haiti is living in absolute poverty. Haiti has a GDP of less then $8 billion a year and the per capita income is less then $250 showing how poor Haiti truly is. When half a million slaves revolted against their colonial masters in 1804, Haiti became the first nation to abolish slavery. Haiti saw 22 heads of state in 72 years causing unrest and turmoil between the Haitian people. After four consecutive years of Haitian presidents being murdered or disposed, the United States sent marines to Haiti. When the Americans left in 1934, Haiti was again in turmoil, with frequent coups, revolutions, dictatorship, and street violence until the election of Franiois Duvalier in 1957. Duvaliers rule soon turned into one of repression and fear and he soon declared himself president-for-life in 1964. Following his death, his son Jean-Claude used the same violent methods of his father to keep control of Haiti. Read also History Quizzes Under his poor leadership, Haiti became one of the world’s poorest countries. Most of Haiti’s economic problems are the result of economic mismanagement and government corruption. Forests were cleared, which caused soil erosion, making the land dry and infertile. Farming employs nearly three-fifths of the workforce (see figure 1). The average salary is only $70 a month, and yet inflation tops 14% a year. The growing population has forced many small farmers to concentrate on growing food for themselves, making it impossible to have any income. Nearly 3/4 of the population of Haiti cooks with charcoal, cutting down so many trees that deforestation of the mountains is a major problem. Only about 4% of the land is forest, compared to 30% of US land (see figure 2 ; 3). Extreme weather conditions further threaten the land, with torrential rains during hurricane season racing down deforested mountains and destroying fields, roads and homes. This has caused a horrific impact on Haiti. Fewer then 13% have access to safe drinking water, and most Haitians struggle to find enough food to eat each day (it is estimated that Haiti produces only 40% of the food it needs). Although public education in Haiti is free, textbooks and other school materials are not, and as a result many children, especially those in rural areas (the 90% of Haitians that live in absolute poverty, also called peasants) cannot afford to go to school. It is estimated that about 90% of Haitians are illiterate. Even though legally, education is free and open to all, only about 30% of Haitian children ever begin school, and of the 30%, only 2% stay in school beyond the 5th grade. Many factors play into the lack of education in Haiti, such as education being mainly in French, even though Creole is the official language in Haiti, also after the fifth year students must pass a difficult examination, which is also in French, causing many students to not pass. The lack of proper teachers and inadequate supplies, as well as overcrowding in schools has made it difficult for Haitians to get an education. Haiti’s misfortune has continued through the years with a series of natural disasters. Severe deforestation, leading to flooding and landslides, and a lack of proper emergency services and infrastructure has resulted in the storms causing the deaths of thousands of Haitians. In 2008, four separate hurricanes – Fay, Gustav, Hanna, and Ike – in the space of 30 days led to the deaths of more than 800 people. About 60 per cent of the country’s harvest were destroyed and entire cities were rendered desolate and uninhabitable. In January 2010, a devastating 7. 0 magnitude earthquake resulting in the deaths of thousands and the loss of many homes and buildings (see figure 5). Haiti is a country full of tragedy and despair. 380 000 Haitians were infected with HIV/AIDS by 2000 and the life expectancy has dropped to the early age of 53. Only 8 people out of every thousand have telephone service and less then 6% of people have access to electrical power. Yet a small portion of the country is not effected by the massive poverty, but instead live a life of luxury. 0. 5% of Haiti’s population earns about 46% of the nations income, thus giving the rich more power causing even more corruption. Many organizations such as The Canadian Red Cross and Hope for Haiti are aiming to restore this once hopeful country. The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) was established on June 1 2004, and continues to help Haiti today. MINUSTAH peacekeepers help provide basic needs such as clean water to cholera affected towns, where close to 50, 000 cases have been reported. The UN has established an emergency response effort to bring relief to this stricken country, yet even with so much help, Haiti is still a country that has lost all its wealth and is now in great debt with the world. How to cite Haiti History, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Road to IELTS General Training free essay sample
A guide for effective letter writing; an article giving advice for Job interviews Writing (1): Writing (2): Practice exercises for letters giving advice Practice exercises for compositions discussing arguments for and against Speaking: Video clips and practice exercises for talking about a topic in Part 2 of the Speaking Unit 3: Travel, tourism transport Words: Phrases to talk about traffic-related problems and solutions; words and about a tribe of Native Americans Page | 1 www. ClarityEnglish. com Clarity Language Consultants Ltd, 2009 Reading: A brochure about the quickest way to get from Heathrow Airport to central London; an article about backpacking Writing (1): Practice exercises for letters asking for information Writing (2): Practice exercises for compositions giving an opinion Speaking: Video clips and practice exercises for taking part in a discussion in Part 3 of the Speaking Test Unit 4: Environment Words: Words and phrases to talk about environmental problems and geographical features Listening: A conversation about adopting a zoo animal; a lecture about the structure of the Earth Reading: An article about making plastic; an article about a danger to a variety of birds Writing (1): Writing (2): Practice exercises for writing letters of complaint Practice exercises for compositions discussing the causes of a problem and suggesting solutions Speaking: Video clips and practice exercises for answering general questions about yourself in Part 1 of the Speaking Test Unit 5: Art culture Words: Words and phrases to talk about art, cinema, theatre and national treasures Listening: A telephone conversation about booking theatre tickets; a lecture on the history of British cinema Reading: A catalogue from a book store; an article discussing tourist information for Bath, in southwest England Writing (1): Writing (2): Practice exercises for letters giving information Pr actice exercises for compositions exercises for talking about a topic in Part 2 of the Speaking Test Page | 2 www. We will write a custom essay sample on Road to IELTS General Training or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ClarityEnglish. com Clarity Language Consultants Ltd, 2009 Unit 6: Mass Media Words: Words and phrases to talk about television, newspapers and Jobs in the media Listening: A talk given by a guide to visitors to a media museum; a conversation about news consumption Reading: A brochure about SummerSkill Sydney; an article about the press Writing (1): Practice exercises for writing letters saying thank you Writing (2): Practice exercises for compositions discussing arguments for and against Speaking: Video clips and practice exercises for taking part in a discussion in Part 3 of the Speaking Test Words: Words and phrases to talk about medical conditions and symptoms; food- elated vocabulary; words to talk about the causes, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases Listening: A talk about keeping healthy in winter; a conversation about insects and human diseases Reading: An article about keeping your teeth healthy; an article about food and health myths Writing (1): Writing (2): Practice exercises for letters of apology Practice exercises for compositions g iving an opinion Speaking: Video clips and practice exercises for answering general questions about yourself in Part 3 of the Speaking Test Unit 8: Work business Words: Verbs we use at work and words and phrases to talk about a variety of work- related issues Listening: A talk about writing a CY, a conversation about changes in womens employment Reading: A brochure about working at a funfair; an article about the first ball Page | 3 www. ClarityEnglish. com Clarity Language Consultants Ltd, 2009 Writing (1): Writing (2): Practice exercises for letters of application Practice exercises for compositions discussing the causes of a problem and suggesting solutions Speaking: Video clips and practice exercises for talking about a topic in Part 2 of the Speaking Test Unit 9: Society social issues Words: Words and phrases to talk about social issues and crime and punishment Listening: A telephone conversation between a student and a campus security officer about a burglary; a lecture about old age and society Reading: An article about Neighbourhood Watch schemes; an article about changes in life expectancy Writing (1): Writing (2): Speaking: Revision exercises for Writing Task 1 Revision exercises
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